
Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

English, The Mixed Lingua Franca

What do you think about English? Absolutely, you should say that is the international language. A language that  now enjoys a status as the lingua franca. This language is spoken by people, not only in the English speaking countries, but also in non English speaking countries.  This situation brings an impact that people in the world know about this language although only a few understand it. This situation also forces them have to learn English. They learn this language by school as the first foreign language or by language course place. Speaking English for many people is more prestigious than speaking in mother language. Therefore, English could marginalize mother language gradually. Something that worried by all sides, especially linguists. To prevent more marginalization and protecting mother language some linguist advise to make equivalents or loanwords from English and then they are translated to mother language. This method is seems to gain a success, but it is only in a textbook. English is prominent in everything, even in a daily conversation. Although the conversation is mixed with mother language.
Why English is more dominant?
To answer the question we have to trace back to the past. In the past English was not the international language. The position of this language was equal to other languages. English was only spoken in all British colonies which had spread from America to Asia. And the international language was French. This Romance language was always used in military, science, culinary, economy and politic. French had dominated those during the 19th century. But the situation changed in the early 20th century. The Treaty of Versailles was the eyewitness. In the treaty after the first world war (1914-1918), English had countered to French. Woodrow Wilson and Lloyd George as English representative wanted English has an equality to French. Therefore, the treaty was written in both of languages. From this treaty,which had been a foundation of funding League of Nations (the predecessor of UN), English gradually become international language. The momentum came after the second world war. United States, who won the war, had expanded English worldwide by the economic, cultural and political power. Before the expansion, English had got a status as a official language at UN along with French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. But this language also got a status as a working language along with French. All happened in the beginning funding of UN. And before great expansion from America, Great Britain, land which this language comes, had done that slowly by The British Council.

Maybe nobody knows, or just a few knows, that English actually is a mixed language. If you read history of this language, you would know. Many languages came and influenced modern English language such as France, Germany, Dutch and Arabic. Many linguists said that English is a mixed language between Germanic and Romance language. But the linguists has belonged it to Germanic language. The linguist observed it from its structure and grammar which approach Germanic. Although this language had loaned many words from Latin and French which possible impact to its structure and grammar. But for some cases, this language have no more for compound despite influenced by Germanic languages which have compound. For many terms, especially in science and politics, this language loans them from Latin or French. French is most loaned words in English. The loaning due to the Norman Conquest of Britain in 1066. This invasion and occupation made French exclusively as language for noble or upper-class. The conqueror was William The Conqueror who claimed his relationship with Anglo-Saxon royal family.

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